Thursday, August 21, 2008

BEEF...Chow Wow vs. Gayme

It all started yesterday when Bow Wow in his never ending quest to be seen as a grown man challenged Game aka the downlow bipolar nutcase that never lived up to his hype to some video game. Bow thought he was doing it in fun until he got a response from Game (all vlogged for our viewing enjoyment.) Game went on to take Chow on on his challenge and said if he won he wants to ******** (you don't wanna know) well as all his boys.

Chow Wow in an effort to seem unfazed responded by talking about how Game is on an ancient bus touring etc etc...He dismissed the Ciara comment by saying 'ole girl is old news' but then took a jab at Game by saying he should give him Mya...(grown man beef I know...considering the fact that none of those girls talk to those lames...). Anyway, Game has come back and again including Ciara's name in his disrespectful rant. Here it is:

Oh no here comes Chow Wow again. They taking this too far...

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